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Ingalls in the Community | March of the Mayors Packing Event

Ingalls Shipbuilders are helping feed hundreds of families in South Mississippi through their donation towards the March of the Mayors food drive. In all, shipbuilders donated more than 500 cans of tuna and fruit during the month-long drive. Those cans, along with other food gathered by cities across South Mississippi, were turned over to Extra Table for the March of the Mayors packing day event. 

Organized by Extra Table, different cities along the Mississippi Gulf Coast were each tasked with collecting a specific food item over a month’s time. All those items from across the coastal cities came together at the Lyman Community Center in Gulfport for a packing day.

There were 19 Ingalls shipbuilders who volunteered at the packing day on Friday, March 8, 2024, giving over 70 hours of service and helping to pack over 3,500 boxes for people in need.

If you would like to learn more about opportunities to volunteer in your community, please email Lisa Bradley, manager, Corporate Stewardship & Community Relations, at Lisa.Bradley@hii-ingalls.com. For ways to get involved, visit the Ingalls Cares section on the IngallsConnect App.