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Fotheringham Discusses REMUS 620 in Marine Technology Reporter

 Duane Fotheringham, president of Mission Technologies’ Unmanned Systems business group, was featured in the January/February edition of Marine Technology Reporter.

“The new REMUS 620 completed its first sea trials in December 2023,” he said. “We went from concept to in the water in 12 months, and we will deliver a production vehicle to the customer in under 24 months. The REMUS 620 was developed completely on internal development funding and was completed on time and on budget. … We believe this is the most capable medium sized UUV in the market and because of the internal investment it is available now without development risk.”

Fotheringham also discussed what he called “the next big wave in technology.”

“Our newest Odyssey autonomy is taking advantage of Al/ML algorithms for everything from perception to prognostic health monitoring, allowing the vehicles to perform longer, more complex missions without operator input,” he said. “Throughout this time battery technology has gotten incrementally better and electronic systems more efficient, allowing us to field AUVs with longer and longer endurance. The combination of all of these technologies have dramatically increased the range and complexity of missions that can be undertaken with AUVs.”

A digital edition of the interview is available at marinelink.com.