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Shipbuilders Share Personal Stories

When a beloved shipbuilder was seriously injured in an accident outside of work, it sent shockwaves through a close-knit X33 team at Newport News Shipbuilding. So they sought help – from each other and from an HII program that assists people in crisis.

They spoke with counselors at HERO: HII Employees Reach Out. The program helps shipbuilders and their household family members deal with problems at home.

They also talked to each other, sharing their own personal challenges, everything from family health problems to paying bills. Then they took it a step further and made a video, stressing the importance of reaching out for help and being considerate of what fellow employees face outside of work.

Today, this team – which includes marine painters, coating specialists, sand blasters and cleaners – is better for having shared their personal challenges.

Tony Wilkerson and Monina Janez Greene are among the shipbuilders featured in the video. Photo by Hugh Lessig

“It gave us a new look at our team,” said Tony Wilkerson, lead general foreman. “All of us are dealing with something, but we still come here to be great shipbuilders.”

In addition to Wilkerson, several members of the team share their stories in the video. “We thought if these issues affect us, it affects others in the shipyard,” said Monina Janez Greene. “That’s when we came up with the idea to make a video.”

Wilkerson said problems at home can spill over into work.

“Those distractions don’t stop at the turnstiles,” he said. “It comes into the yard. So those distractions can cause safety issues and performance concerns. We have to take into consideration the things that people are going through.”

Wilkerson said he tries to build a trusting, family-type atmosphere with his team, and employees have come to him for advice. Now that they’ve shared stories with each other, the team is even closer.

“Now I see them going to each other and offering help,” he said. “I see them bonding more. I see them now understanding having a best friend at work and somebody actually caring about them as a person”

Greene said it has helped her see people differently, because now she knows what they’re going through.

The message is particularly relevant during the hectic holiday season, when stress can be high. To reach the HERO program calling 1-855-400-9185 or visiting hiihero.com. Select the EAP member login button and use “HII” for the company. The program is free to HII employees and their household family members.

HERO counselors are also available in-person at the HII Family Health Center to offer confidential support. Visit myquadmed.com/hii to schedule an appointment.