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‘It’s Not Just Paint’: Shipbuilders’ Learning Path Leads to Night School

A group of X33 mechanics at Newport News Shipbuilding was recently recognized for taking initiative to learn more about their trade through Night School.

Seventeen X33 shipbuilders completed the Corrosion Control Through the Use of Coatings Night School course.

“There are a million things these folks could be doing after work. They chose to further their professional development by learning more about their craft,” said Micah McCluer, a Night School instructor who works in Coatings Technology and Materials Engineering (E33). “It is impressive. They are impressive.”

In the class, the shipbuilders learned more about the critical coatings and surface preparations processes to become more efficient in their skilled trade. “We went a lot more in depth about things that I didn’t think they’d teach us about,” said Michael Booz (X33).

In the winter 2024 class, 11 of the 14 participants were mechanics from John F. Kennedy (CVN 79). X33 Lead General Foreman Tony Wilkerson said he was proud to see so many shipbuilders interested in learning more.

“I often tell people, ‘It’s not just paint.’ The coatings industry has become more technical than ever, and those who are applying it have to be the subject matter experts in the preparation of the surface and the application process of the material. The men and women from CVN 79 who attended this class have set a standard for others to follow the path of learning,” he said. “The future looks bright for coatings at NNS as long as we can continue to keep our employees interested in becoming the best shipbuilders in the country.”

X33 Trade Superintendent Kimberly Jordan-Dillard said she was proud of all of the participants, including Karen Gibson, who is a lead mentor on the New Construction Aircraft Carrier Program.

“These individuals went above and beyond to quench their thirst for knowledge. Yes, they received the Fundamentals of Marine Coatings training, but they wanted to learn the mechanics behind paint and coating inspection tools,” Jordan-Dillard said. “Having individuals who are engaged in the process is significant to helping meet our program commitments. Outstanding job and keep up the amazing work.”