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Ethics Survey Results

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Dear HII Team,

In April, you received a survey asking for your feedback about HII’s ethical culture. Among 44,000 HII employees, more than half of you (53%) completed the survey. As we begin Ethics and Compliance Awareness Month in August, I’d like to share the results with you as compared to our last survey on this topic in 2021.

Here’s some of what we learned from your responses:


  • Ethical Culture: 94% of respondents indicated that they are familiar with HII’s values, and 91% believe that we are committed to our values.
  • Key Ethics Outcomes: HII employees are more likely than in 2021 to report observed misconduct and are less likely to perceive that they experienced retaliation for reporting misconduct they observed.


  • Ethical Culture: Some employees do not perceive that senior management talks about the importance of ethics and doing the right thing in the work we do, or that management sets a good example of ethical workplace conduct.
  • Key Ethics Outcomes: Employees reported at a slightly higher rate than in 2021 that they had observed at least one type of misconduct. Additionally, employees were slightly more likely than in 2021 to report feeling pressure at some point to compromise the Code of Ethics and Business Conduct, organizational policy, or the law.

Additional results from the survey will be shared later in August in the “Ethically Speaking” newsletter, via MyHII.

The survey results indicate that we have a solid foundation, and there are also opportunities to strengthen our ethical culture. Therefore, I’m asking senior leaders to always talk openly about the importance of ethics and to continue to reinforce our “speak up” culture by listening to feedback from employees, and exemplifying the highest ethical standards in every decision and task you complete. It cannot be overstated: Achieving our business objectives must never come at the expense of doing the right thing.



Chris Kastner

President and CEO