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A Message from NNS President Kari Wilkinson

Fellow Shipbuilders,

Welcome to a new year filled with opportunity! Hopefully we have all had a chance to rest, observe cherished traditions, and to be reminded of the people in our lives for whom we are most grateful. I am excited about what we have planned for the year and the prospect of what we might accomplish together.

It has been a privilege to get to know some of you in the weeks leading up to the holidays as I began to learn more about the team, our capabilities and the challenges in front of us. The better we understand the things that are holding us back from achieving our full potential, the more effectively we can work on the things that will best enable our future success. We win or lose as a team, and while I have the honor of leading Newport News Shipbuilding, I work for you and I will endeavor to earn your respect and trust in pursuing positive outcomes.

In the coming weeks, we will fully evaluate the good work that has been done to strengthen and improve our performance on our commitments. We will also reassess efforts that may no longer add the value they once did. I look forward to open and transparent communication across our team, as this is the only way we can make our shipyard the best it can be. Change for the sake of change is not the objective, but removing barriers that hold us back from excellence is. I am incredibly honored to now be a part of this team and will apply all of my energy and effort to removing obstacles and achieving our best results. I know we are partners in this each and every day, as it will take team effort to accomplish our objective. Let’s get after this next chapter in the legacy of Newport News Shipbuilding!

With much respect,

Kari Wilkinson
President, Newport News Shipbuilding